It was not a good sleep for my Sweet Hubby despite medication. No relief from pain...
Up every hour, repositioning, a drink of water for a parched mouth...this disease is so cruel.
So it was with a heavy heart that I reconciled myself to the fact that we would not be voting today. But the Lord had other plans for us!
An email from my Sweet Hubby's oncologist's nurse told me that they had stronger pain medication prescriptions waiting for us, as well as an order for an ultrasound of his liver later this week. Because the medications are narcotics, they cannot be called in. That meant we were going to have to travel...
OK, not an easy feat for someone who is basically bedbound now. But, God is good and we managed. We had to go to two different pharmacies in order to fill the two prescriptions and the second pharmacy had a 1-1 1/2 hour wait. Hmmm.....what to do, what to do. It didn't make sense to go home as we'd just have to venture out again.
Guess how we passed a little time? That's right - WE VOTED!!!! We were blessed - no line, no rain (it's a rainy day here) and even the temperature cooperated - a nice 65 degrees. As we approached the polling place they told us we had picked the perfect time as just a bit earlier the lines were wrapped down the sidewalk. No surprise there...God's timing is PERFECT!!
I can't tell you how happy we were as we drove away. Yep, I'd call it our mini-miracle of the day! To God be ALL the glory!
Oh ~ and God bless America!
God is good to let us do the daily things that help life seem "normal" when your life is anything but that.
Amen Jody!
You're too cute.
You're right.
Little Blessing Everywhere.
Sorry I haven't commented lately.
Life is way too busy.
Always in my prayers
God Bless
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