Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Still a quart low...

So today was Chemo Day 3...this visit incorporated some time with the oncologist. My Sweet Hubby was prepared with his binder of questions! Be verrrry afraid Dr. Clark!! (I think he's learning to fear "the binder!") Questions answered and exam complete, we moved to the infusion room.

The subsequent lab draw revealed that my Sweet Hubby still has a low hemoglobin level. Actually - he's extremely deficient in red blood cells period. Quite low. Which accounts for his extreme fatigue and shortness of breath. Not enough hemoglobin to carry the oxygen he needs. So, once his infusion was complete we headed over to the hospital so he could be "typed and crossed" and tomorrow morning at 8 we'll be back at the hospital so he can receive another 2 units of blood. I told him today I think he's on a personal mission to regain all the units he's donated to the Red Cross over the years...:)

I'm praying that these next blood transfusions will get him "over the hump" and finally afford my Sweet Hubby some much needed energy. He's very much a "do-er" - not a "watcher" and all this sitting on the sidelines is driving him crazy!

Things we are grateful for ~

On the positive side of his lab work today: White count is holding strong and steady as are his platelets! YAY!! Thank you Lord for this blessing!!

The Tarceva "rash" is resolving nicely and my Sweet Hubby's skin is almost back to normal (although a bit pale). Of course, he gets the benefit of my magic potions day and night!

No weight loss!!! Big Hooray!! My Sweet Hubby has no appetite and has lost most of his sense of taste - so not much in the way of food is appealing. And the spicy foods he used to enjoy are no longer on the menu. Looking forward to mealtime is something of the past...But he's a trooper and eats what I put before him because he knows how important it is NOT to lose weight, i.e., strength.

Church tonight! The Truth Project!! Each week just gets better and's just what we need mid-week! Here's a taste of what we'll see tonight!

The Truth Project ~ Week 8 "Unio Mystica"

In closing...I leave you with some of the most beautiful verses of Scripture (in my opinion) that were a part of my reading today:
"Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance."
1 Corinthians 13:4-7

"Three things will last forever -- faith, hope, and love -- and the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13


Marlene said...

Gigi...Amen...1 Corirthians 13:13...hope all goes well with the transfusions on Thursday, Steve is always in my prayers as well as you and your family. Much love, M

Tamela's Place said...

May the Lord continue to strengthen your husband and bring is health back to wholeness 100%. In Jesus mighty name! May God bless you Gigi and your husband as well as your whole family! Tamela

Mom4aDifference said...

Hi Gigi,

Thanks for visiting my blog, Blessings from Above. I hope that you'll visit often. I'll do the same with your blog.

And I hope all goes well with your husband and that God does miracles for him (and you!)

Blessings from Above