Monday, July 28, 2008

"But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."

The title of my blog today comes from the Book of Proverbs.
"A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24
I think most of us have those special people in our lives that are "family" without being related to us. For us, it's "J and T." We go back a long way. There's history in our relationship...comforting and comfortable! We know them and they know us. We are alike in many ways and different in others - enough to keep our friendship vibrant and interesting! We have seen each other through both good and trying times, helping the other couple celebrate or regain their balance. They are our best friends. They spent the weekend with us and what a blessing it was! God's Word says it best...
"A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bone." Proverbs 17:22
And good medicine they were; we had the most wonderful time...laughing, talking, celebrating our baby boy's 24th birthday! Lots of great memories were made, as always when we are with them. We all went to church together yesterday and it just felt like a HUGE hug from start to finish! We were sad to see them drive away...we are always left wanting more time with them! But it just means we eagerly look forward to the next time we're all together again...

My Sweet Hubby and his best friend, T.

The four of us, plus the birthday boy!

We belong to an awesome church. I don't even know where to begin - how to describe - the fellowship, the love, the support we have there. Since my Sweet Hubby's diagnosis, it has all been amplified and magnified 1000%. We know we were led there, planted there by the Lord. What a blessing! What a gift!

Yesterday, prior to worship, we were chitchatting with a member of the choir when the Music Ministry Director came over to tell us of his prayer support. He asked my Sweet Hubby if there were any special songs that he would especially like to hear in an upcoming service; any music that would encourage and uplift him. I was surprised when an immediate response was given! I fell in love with this song when it came out last year. I cried every time it played on the radio. We were fortunate enough to see them perform it live on our recent K-LOVE cruise. My Sweet Hubby said he heard it the other day and this time it moved him to tears. It is a powerful song. I have no doubt we'll be hearing it one Sunday soon...As you listen to it today, if you would just say an extra prayer for my beloved, I'd be ever grateful.

Jesus Bring the Rain ~ Mercy Me


Unknown said...

G.. What beautiful sentiments you expressed in your blog today. You know how much T and I love all of you. You have always been my "sister", brought together by God and T and S were brought together by us. God works in wonderful ways and they became fast friends right from the start. The years have just continued to bless our friendship. You are our family and you blessed us further by sharing the rest of your family with us.

What a wonderful weekend. It was a quick trip and the time always flies by and leaves us wishing for more time. This weekend was even more meaningful, as we shared our Sunday worship together. Life is precious and given by God. For our friendship and all of the memories we share, I give thanks. J

Gigi said...