Monday, November 1, 2010


I love this season...the air that seems cleaner somehow, the bright blue of the sky, the smell of wood fires burning, the color of the leaves turning on the trees, the sound of leaves falling and then rustling in the breeze, that chill in the early morning air! I love it all!

The days are getting shorter (don't forget - next Sunday, 11/7, we "fall" back and get an extra hour of sleep before church!) and soon we'll be turning lights on in the late afternoon to push back the shadows...Okay - I have to admit - I don't like this part so much...but ya gotta take the bad with the good, right?!

It's time for stews and soups and chilis and warm comfort foods! I don't cook much anymore, so I sure appreciate this product - shake/open/heat/eat/yum!

I will say though - I make a mean crockpot chili! My Sweet Hubby loved it! Who doesn't love chili?

Pot after pot of hot tea becomes my companion. I especially love using this teapot...a gift from a dear friend. That's my favorite mug for tea - so pretty and delicate (I love it so much I have a spare in case I break this one! Yep, I'm paranoid like that.). And that's a tea cozy in the background, in toile-esque fashion, my favorite! I bought it here a number of years ago. In fact, my Sweet Hubby and I were there visiting the friend who gave me the teapot! Well, not "there" in that spot specifically, but in Savannah (although we did enjoy several pots of tea there "in that spot" as well as a light snack if I remember correctly)! It was a wonderful time...memories...

How do you celebrate Fall? Do you rotate your closet, packing away summer-wear and exchanging it for heavier (and warmer) togs? Do you rake and rake and rake mountains of leaves to be bagged and hauled away? Do you perfume the air by baking breads filled with the spices of the season - cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger? Do you look forward to that first cup of hot apple cider with a cinnamon stick stirrer? Do you decorate the house or yard for the season? Share in the comments...I'd love to know!

While you're gathering your thoughts I'll go put on a pot of tea...and in case you're wondering - it's this and yes, it's from there!

For everything there is a
a time for every activity
under heaven.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 NLT


Kim said...

I love to light candles and bake. With just two of us at home, I have had to cut down on the baking a bit. But I love the smell of pumpkin, banana bread, apple crisp - anything Fall. This is my absolute favorite season in every way.

Dawn said...

I trade closets for my clothes - I always have to go back and get some of the previous season's clothes back out, because it never stays the same around here. I wish I could still bake the goodies - but then, I've given up on anything with much effort over the past few years, not to mention the calories.

Care Bear loves to mess with the leaves, and begged Grandpa to leave them there one more day so she could play on Saturday evening and Sunday. He complied.

I love your teapot - reminds me of the ones at P.F. Chang.

I love fall so much, and wish it would last longer, and that the leaves hadn't all blown off last week. There are still a lot left in town, but ours are gone.

Have a wonderful week, dear friend.

nancygrayce said...

Well, since I live in Florida, I don't change out my closet because we're as likely to need summer clothes on any given day....and it has to get really cold for me to wear closed in shoes!

I love to bake too, but I'm having troubles with those calories too!