Monday, December 22, 2008


I heard this song again the other day...I've loved it since it first came out. The artist was onboard for the last K-LOVE cruise this past January and my Sweet Hubby and I looked forward to hearing her in person. She didn't disappoint!

As I listened to the words, I was reminded once again how the Lord is holding me right now. How He continues to use the music I love so much to minister to me. Thank you, Father.

I hope you enjoy today's Music Monday selection...have a blessed week! **Remember to scroll down to pause my player before watching and listening**

Held ~ Natalie Grant

"Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; for the Lord upholds him with his hand." Psalm 37:24

**Just a quick note to add that my Mom is in the hospital...admitted in the wee hours of Sunday morning. She is in the cardiac intensive care unit. Please keep her in your prayers if you would...


jeleasure said...

Gigi. Your mother is in our prayers.

Jody said...

Praying for you and your dear mom today.

Marlene said...

Gigi....praying for your sweet mom as well as your dad.

Jess said...

Praying for your mom... Hope you have a Merry Christmas! Lots of love to you and yours!


Diane@Diane's Place said...

I hope your Mom is doing better by the time you read this. I'll be praying for her and for you, Gigi.

Merry Christmas, my friend. I pray you'll be blessed with laughter, love, good health and with God's joy this Christmas, and throughout the New Year.

Much Love,


NewJerseyJesus said...

Yes, praying for you and your mom....while I was at Sardi's last night was praying for comfort & joy for gigi...

Putz said...

PRAYING FOR YOU AND YOUR MOM AND now who is that marycy lou, or macrolou....your sweet the putz

Gigi said...

Thank you so much everyone, for the prayers for my Mom. She is still in the intensive care unit. I am praying for a Christmas miracle. And giving thanks for it.

Lance said...

I hope and pray your mom gets better.
God bless.