They taught me a lot about life, love...and marriage. Not so much by talking but by doing. They lived it and I learned by observing. My Mom has always put my Dad's needs ahead of her own and my Dad has done the same. Guess what that means? They have each given 100%! Amazing how that works, isn't it?! They are part of a pair, a coin - fused, but still having two sides, each different but making up a whole. Exactly as God intended.
"For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall be as one flesh." Genesis 2:24I can remember my Mom telling me that my husband should always come first in the home. And I watched my Dad always put my Mom before himself...So different from what we hear today - that the children should be the top priority. What my Mom said was that you start out as a couple and you will end as a couple and that foundation needs to be strong. And together you care for the children, each lending their own strengths.
It is her joy to do things for my Dad and it is his to do things for her. It is touching to watch and they teach me lessons still...
Yesterday, my Mom and Dad celebrated their 54th Anniversary ~ what an incredible blessing!! And I am beyond grateful to my God and Father that I am their daughter. Thank you, Mom and Dad...for all you are to our family and everyone whose life you have touched over the years. We love you!
"Then the Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make a helper suitable for him." Genesis 2:18
Harbor Lights ~ The Platters
Hi Gigi,
Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for your kind comment.
This is such a loving, lovely tribute to your parents. I, too, am blessed to still have my parents in my life. They will celebrate their 63rd anniversary in February. I see in their marriage all the things you have spoken so beautifully about. We are blessed (all the generations of our families) to have them in our lives. They have given us a wonderful legacy.
Happy Anniversary to them!
I love this post. So much wisdom packed in here. You are so blessed to have Godly parents to lead you in the right direction and show you God's way instead of the world's way. And I'm sure you are a blessing to them as well since you have obeyed it. Great post!
Thank you so much for stopping by my place. What a beautiful tribute you give about your parents. The cake looks yummy =)
How wonderful that your parents have celebrated 54 years! Wow! I love the beautiful tribute you made to your parents. They sound like wonderful people. You truly are blessed!
Thank you for visiting my blog! I've really enjoyed reading through your blog and will be back. I'll be praying for your hubby, too!
God bless you ~ Julie
G. What a beautiful commentary for your Mom and Dad. They truly are a loving, giving couple and I have been blessed to have them touch my life for so many years. Give them my love and congratulations on their anniversary. J
Linda ~ 63 years! Wow - what a testimony! What a blessing! Thanks for visiting and for the kinds words...
Laura Lee ~ What a nice comment! No doubt, my Mom and Dad are the best and I love them so much...God Bless!
Laurel ~ Thank you for stopping by and leaving such a sweet comment! Ahh - the cake...sigh...cake is my favorite food. And yes, it WAS delicious!
Julie ~ I'm so glad you came by and I hope you'll be back again soon! Thank you for your prayers - they are appreciated beyond words.
Cookie ~ I hope you know how special you and T are to my parents and how much you are loved...
Beautiful Post!
I was never close to my mother or father. I envy that.
God gave me a beautiful friend that needed me as much as I needed her. We were blessed with a friendship for 23 years. God is so good! He gives us what we need.
God Bless.qrmdtjpg
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